The Most Common Causes of Yeast Infection

Adult humans have 3 to 4 pounds of beneficial bacteria, numbering about 70 trillion individual organisms, living in our digestive system. Yeast is present in every one of us. The shear strength in numbers of the beneficial bacteria keeps yeast in check. They are in charge and make yeast produce vitamins, such as the B complex, within our bodies. If this balance is altered by reducing the good bacteria, yeast, being very opportunistic, will spread and take over as a yeast infection or as a fungal parasite or candida (mold), causing a wide variety of unhealthy side effects and diseases.

Table Shelves

The most common cause of yeast infection is antibiotics and their overuse...

Table Shelves

Dr. John Pitt, on Penicillum in 1979 stated: "It is very ironic that this humbled fungus, hailed as a benefactor of mankind, may by its very success prove to be a deciding factor in the decline of the present civilization".

Simply stated, antibiotics are dangerous mycotoxins, fungal metabolites, that kill bacteria, even the good bacteria that are present in our intestines and essential for good health. This upsets the delicate balance of the yeast to bacteria ratio in your digestive system, giving the yeast fungi the upper hand in creating a yeast infection. Without the good bacteria in your system to control yeast, it spreads and becomes a toxic fungal parasite known as candida.

Penicillin is a good example of a fungal by-product called a mycotoxin. It was discovered from a mold (mold is a fungus) experiment that Dr. Fleming was performing on a bacteria colony. He added some mold from bread to the colony and observed that the fungus killed all the bacteria; producing the substance he later named penicillin. The number one cause of yeast infection was born in 1928 and is so over-prescribed today that yeast infection is a growing epidemic.

Another cause of yeast infection and the destruction of stomach flora are anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen and naproxen...

These two drugs are common over the counter medications that many people take. Very few people realize what they are doing to their health by taking them. America has become a nation of drug dependent people. Not a night goes by when you don't see a TV commercial for some kind of drug promising some miraculous cure for something. These drugs all contribute to the destruction of bacteria and are a cause of yeast infection.

Another cause of yeast infection, theorized by some doctors, are birth control pills given to women. In the natural menstrual cycle of women, right after ovulation on about the 18th day, both progesterone and estrogen decline to very low levels. At the same time estradiol begins to rise into menses and then these three hormones return to normal. Most birth control pills contain estradiol in significant amounts and add to this problem.

The hormone link as a cause of yeast infection for women is very common. Almost all women that suffer from recurring vaginal yeast infections will tell you that they do indeed get flare ups at the third week of their cycle. . Fortunately, there are now natural herbs and supplements to treat and balance the hormones to eliminate this problem. Like colloidal silver as a minerals supplement.

According to the 2001 Asthma and Allergy Report, the first immunodeficiency syndrome was identified in 1952. Since that time 95 more have been identified with new conditions being discovered every day. The report also states that increased use of antibiotics in infancy is contributing to increased risks of allergies. What is interesting to me is in the 1950's antibiotics came into wide spread general use in medicine. Do you see a correlation here?

The most common prescription for antibiotics is for upper respiratory infections, but according to Dr. Carol Kauffman, "most of these infections are caused by a fungus". So they do not require an antibiotic as treatment, yet doctors continue to prescribe them. This, over time, will alter the balance in stomach bacteria allowing the yeast to overgrow, and the result is candida, or worse. And by using colloidal silver as a mineral supplement it will solve this problem.

Doctors plead ignorance when their patients develop allergies, intestinal disorders, etc, not even realizing that the very drugs they prescribed are the cause of a yeast infection and these other fungal diseases. Over time, your good stomach bacteria become overwhelmed by yeast as it kills even more of your good bacteria. Candida or fungal disease is the result. By using colloidal silver as a mineral supplement for treating yeast infection it will not affect natural flora. Colloidal Silver safely kills over 650 disease-causing bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, and molds, has no negative side-effects (the body requires silver for tissue regeneration and promotes the replacement of specialized cells) and is absolutely safe for human consumption.

It becomes a never-ending cycle. You get an antibiotic for your cold or flu; women especially get a vaginal yeast infection. The doctor gives them an anti-fungal or an anti-fungal cream, or they purchase it over the counter at the local drugstore. The infection is beaten for a time, but then it returns. This will continue to happen until the cause of yeast infection is addressed with natural therapies as colloidal silver natural and diet.

In 1998, two scientists Bernstein and Ross discovered that antibiotics "significantly increased risk of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in humans".

In studies done on mice in 2000 and published in "Principals and Practices of Infectious Diseases", a "single injection of streptomycin eradicated the protective effective effect of normal flora". Streptomycin is prescribed usually for people that are allergic to penicillin and definitely establishes one of the causes of yeast infection to antibiotics.

Now it would be a rare individual that could go through life with never being prescribed an antibiotic. Choose wisely if you really need to take them or not for whatever it is you have at the time, since they are the main cause of yeast infection in humans. Have your doctor prescribe Nystatin with it to avoid the overgrowth of yeast infection. Then get on a good probiotic product such as Total Immune Booster, which actually does grow new bacterial colonies. For several decades, silver has proven itself in the treatment of burns, and eye, ear, nose, throat, vaginal, rectal, and urinary tract infections. Silver has been prescribed as an adjunct treatment for reproductive disorders in women and the circulatory system, as well as a treatment for AIDS infective complications. (For use on the following we reccomend you purchase the colloidal silver as it is smaller and more effective: It has been used as a remedy for allergies, boils, ulcers, lesions, thyroid conditions, infantile diseases, parasites, wounds of the eye, enlarged prostate, warts, bladder inflammation, infections of the inner ear, sleepwalking and anorexia nervosa.) Colloidal Silver also acts as a tissue regenerator by stimulating the production of de-differentiating cells, which promotes the replacement of specialized cells.

The following is a partial list of the more than 650 disease conditions in which colloidal silver has demonstrated proven clinical improvement: Acne, Acne Rosacea, Anthrax Bacilli, Arthritis, Athlete's Foot, Blood Poisoning, Bladder Infections, Bubonic Plague, Blood Parasites (causes gray hair), Cancer, Candidia (Yeast Infection), Chilbains, Cholera, Chronic Fatigue, Colitis, Conjunctivitis, Cystitis, Dermatitis, Diabetes, Diptheria, Dysentery, Eczema, Fibrositis, Gastritis, Gonorrhea, Hepatitis, Herpes Virus, Hay Fever, Impetigo, Influenza, Keratitis, Leprosy, Leukemia, Lupus, Lyme Disease, Lymphagitis, Malaria, Meningitis, Neurasthenia, Ophthalmia, Pheumonia, Pluerisy, Pruritis Ani, Psoriasis, Pymphagitis, Rheumatism, Rhiritis, Ringworm, Rosacea, Scarlet Fever, Seborrhea, Septicemia, Shingles, Skin Cancer, Staph Infection, Stomach Flu, Strep, Syphilis, Tonsillitis, Toxemia, Trench foot, Trachoma, Tuberculosis, Whooping Cough. It is also used for all bacterial, fungal and viral attacks on plants. Simply spray diluted silver on the leaves and add to soil water.

Foods as a Cause of Yeast Infection

There are many foods that can be a cause of yeast infections but antibiotics are the primary cause of yeast infection due to the fact that they kill beneficial bacteria in the intestines. This allows the yeast and fungi to take control and proliferate in the human body. Antibiotics are also present in many common foods that most of us eat. More recently antibiotics are now being detected in the water supply from our overuse. The wastewater enters the sewer system, which is then treated, and pumped right back into the water table. The antibiotics are never removed and it becomes a never-ending circle.

How do these antibiotics get in our foods?

The most common foods that can be a cause of yeast infections in America are beef and dairy. The livestock industry gives antibiotics to their cattle, this is supposed to kill bad bacteria and make the food supply safer. But they are also used to fatten up cows. A fat cow will sell more than a thin cow, won't it? These antibiotics are getting into the dairy product food chain. They are present in milk, cheese, and the meat itself. This is creating antibiotic resistance in humans and bad bacteria, not to mention the long-term health effects to our children, and it ultimately destroys the beneficial bacteria in our intestines allowing a yeast infection to grow in your body.

They also shove these cows into unnatural feeding environments and fatten them up with grain foods that can be a cause of yeast infections, making the meat unfit for human consumption due to mold contamination. The meat can become loaded with mycotoxins from these molds. You eat it, and it is passed on to you.

Other foods that can be a cause of yeast infections are grain foods. Wheat, oats, barley, rye, sorghum, corn, red apples, and peanuts are also universally contaminated with fungus. These foods find their way into our systems from cereals, pastas, breads, potato chips, crackers, peanut butter, cooking oils, etc.

How can this be, you wonder? Grains are usually stored in silos for extended periods of time. They can be stored for years before they are ever sold and brought to market for food processing. During this time, they grow molds in these silos. Now I would assume when they go to process these grains for human consumption they would wash them, but the molds and mycotoxins will enter into the inside of the grain as they try to break them down into dirt. The grains get ground up for processing, and the rest is history. The worst of these grains, as far as mold contamination, are sold for livestock feed and alcohol processing--beer mostly.

Other foods that can be a cause of yeast infections are peanuts, corn, and red apples, which will actually grow mold on them as they grow. Peanuts also are the most genetically engineered food on the planet, stick too organic.

These foods can kill the beneficial bacteria in our digestive system because of the molds they are contaminated with. They also allow the yeast to grow since the yeast eats the sugars in these foods. They often sit in the intestine and ferment before digestion, which causes a condition known as dysbiosis, or toxic colon. These toxins alter good bacterial supplies and yeast gains the upper hand.

Mycotoxins from molds and fungi are also known cancer-causing agents that are released by molds and yeasts. One of these mycotoxins, called aflatoxin, happens to be the most carcinogenic substance on earth. In the common diets of today, grains are consumed in all three meals in some form, from cereals to breads and pastas. So every day the average American is consuming .15mg to .5mg of aflatoxin.

The western diet of today, due to sugars and molds in the foods we eat, is a cancer-causing machine. The addition of these sugars allows the yeast to thrive unbeknown to many people that have it, and allows it to inject its own mycotoxins into your body. This will suppress the immune system and lead to other autoimmune system diseases such as cancer, lupus, multiple sclerosis, crohns, arthritis, skin disorders, chronic fatigue, depression, fibromyalgia, etc. if left untreated.

Chlorine is added to the water supply of the US to kill parasites, microbes, and bad bacteria present in our drinking water supply. But when you drink this water directly from your tap, the chlorine kills the good bacteria in your intestines. To chlorine, bacteria is bacteria, it doesn't know the difference from good or bad.

Fluoride also is a cause of yeast infection and killer of, not only intestinal bacteria, but also enzymes, which are the building blocks of all life and work on the cellular DNA level, as well as in the process of digestion and immune system health.

Buying a water distiller and using this water to not only drink, but to also cook with. It is the only system that will remove fluoride from your drinking water besides reverse osmosis, which makes the water too acidic. Fluoride has been found, when used for cooking, to release toxic metals from common cooking utensils. So called bottled spring water in independent testing is not always safe either, due to pollutants in the air, coming to the ground in rain, and getting in the water table, it can be just as bad for you. You also have tons of run off from fertilizers, pesticides, antibiotics, and other chemicals in the water supply. A lot of so-called spring water is really just filtered tap water. The industry is not regulated very strongly, so you can't always be sure what you are really drinking. Buy a water distiller for your drinking and cooking needs. It will last a lifetime and be one of the best health investments you have ever made.

So how do we avoid these molds and antibiotics in our foods that can be a cause of yeast infection?

In almost every store in the country you can buy hormone and antibiotic free beef. Buy it, eat it, and simply don't buy the rest.

Cut down on grain foods that cause yeast infections drastically by eliminating the chips, cookies, cakes, cereals, and pastas. Substitute pastas with rice that you have to fry first for a grain.

Eat more organic eggs for breakfast and organic milk if you must. And don't worry about cholesterol, which is caused by mycotoxins in the blood stream, sugar, and trans fats, and is also an immune system response to these mycotoxins from fungus. Take away the mycotoxins and junk food and your cholesterol will be just fine.

Cause of Yeast Infection and the Immune System

Another cause of yeast infection is a generally weakened or deficient immune system.

How does the immune system get worn down enough to be a cause of yeast infection in the average person?

Many times a person has had an illness or injury and their health is never the same again. The body has been damaged too severely for the immune system to repair the cells properly, although it never stops trying. Over time, the immune system weakens to the point it can no longer defend the body. Instead, it focuses on other processes more important for continued life.

Every day we are exposing ourselves to polluted air from the smog from our cars and power plants, which, if coal-fired, deliver acid rain containing mercury to the ground that enters the food chain. Mercury, aluminum, lead, and excess iron are definitely linked to chronic yeast infections. If your levels are high and you do nothing to solve the problem, you will not get rid of your candida yeast infection.

There are now traces of over 300 toxins in our bodies that were not present before 1940. These toxins have been shown to bind to receptors, blocking important enzymatic reactions in the body weakening the immune system.

Chemicals in the home from soaps, laundry detergents, toothpastes, perfumes, cleaning solvents, etc. are causes. I could go on and on in this area. Even carpet is made of petroleum and plastics that are toxic. The effect is cumulative, it takes time, but yeast or other diseases are always the result.

Our foods are more and more genetically engineered and their food value becoming more and more questionable. Modern farming has stripped the soils of all minerals and vitamins, so foods have very little value any more. According to a report released at the 1992 Earth Summit, the USA has the worst soil in the world - 85% depleted. The rest of the world's soils are not much better, with South America and Asia's soils being 78% depleted, Africa 75%, Europe 70%, and Australia 58%. This means the potency of our food supply is not able to sustain optimum health. Is it any wonder we are overweight and chronically ill? We are literally starving to death from lack of nutrition!

Pesticides are used that kill beneficial soil based organisms that used to be a part of our diets from the family farms of old. We add chemicals to dairy foods to give it a longer shelf life.

The average American eats over 7 pounds of sugar a year which is creating a Type 2 diabetic epidemic in this country. Obesity is at an all time high from sugar and processed grains which themselves are turned to sugar when digested. The pancreas kicks in some insulin that picks up the sugar and deposits it on the body as fat. Fat is the fuel the body was originally designed to run on, not sucrose.

Sugar contributes to the cause of yeast infections by feeding the fungus in the body allowing it to grow and spread. Sugar is also by far the number one thing that can wear down your immune system. It is worse than smoking.

All of our food is cooked, processed, and enzymatically dead, this causes the pancreas an additional load, and it, must create more enzymes to digest these foods. The metabolic enzymes are forced to help out with digestion when they should be helping repair cells and removing wastes.

We vaccinate our children with basically poisons in the name of good health that actually weaken their immune systems.

Another very common cause of yeast infection is mold growing in ventilation systems. I have personally seen this condition inside air conditioners. These mold spores blow into the home, and once you breath them, they can travel through the body, causing asthma and bronchitis.

Predisposing Causes of Yeast Infection

Trauma Altered Physiological states Drug Addiction Endocrine problems Indwelling catheters Blood disorders and neutropenia Corticosteroid therapy Reduced or dysfunctional phagocytosis Irradiation Transplantation Diabetes Malnutrition Burns Collagen disease All these things contribute as a cause of yeast infections today and weaken our immune systems. Bacteria are our first line of defense in our immune systems, and all these things can and do contribute to help kill them.

It is becoming more and more necessary to take supplements every day to maintain a healthy body and a healthy immune system. Even the AMA recently suggested that everyone in the country should be on a multivitamin/mineral supplement for example like colloidal silver.

The trick is to take quality supplements and eat mostly good fresh foods. Drink plenty of clean fresh water to flush out poisons and wastes from the body while minimizing environmental toxins in the home.

The benefits? You will go through life healthier, more energetic, happier, and live to a ripe old age, if you so choose.

Candida and yeast infections cannot be beaten with diet alone; it simply will not work without good supplements to support cellular health as by using colloidal silver.

The Most Common Causes of Yeast Infection
Table Shelves

Christmas Sales 3 Tier shelves in Cherry Finish 201

Jan 05, 2012 03:29:37

Christmas 3 Tier shelves in Cherry Finish Deals
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3 Tier shelves in Cherry Finish

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for 3 Tier shelves in Cherry Finish <<

Christmas Sales 3 Tier shelves in Cherry Finish Feature

  • Round Side Table with 3 Tier in Rich Cherry Finish
  • Living Room
  • Living Room->Coffee and Occasional Tables->Side Tables
  • Some assembly may be required. Please see product details.

Christmas Sales 3 Tier shelves in Cherry Finish Overview

  • Dimension: 11"W x 11"D x 26"H
  • Finish: Rich Cherry
  • Material: Wood and Wood Composite
  • Round Side Table with 3 Tier in Rich Cherry Finish
  • This side table is made of wood and wood composite and features with a rich cherry finish.
  • With the William and Mary style and 3 tier design, this side table combines both beauty and function.
  • The 2 shelves under the table top are perfect for holding decorative items.
  • Add traditional style to your home with this stunning side table.
  • The item can also be used as a corner shelf or nightstand.
  • Assembly required.

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This Christmas 3 Tier shelves in Cherry Finish is cheap and shipping as well.

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3 Tier shelves in Cherry Finish

Limited Offer Today!! 3 Tier shelves in Cherry Finish Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Portable Baby Bed Computer Desk Chairs 55-200 Vr Lens Nikon

Ten Elements of Good Product Label Design

There are no hard and fast rules that you can follow in order to create a well designed product label. However, most of us recognize an appealing design when we see one. Why? Because there are certain elements that will make a label design attractive and compelling. This article will guide you through the main design elements of a product label and provide tips on how to use these elements to your advantage.

Table Shelves

1. Color

Table Shelves

To grab the attention of someone who is casually walking the aisles of the supermarket you need to use color well. The color you choose for your label is dependent on a number of things. What color is your container? If you are using a clear container, then what color is the product? You need to make sure that the colors you choose for the label don't clash in a negative way to lessen the visual appeal of the entire package. Luckily there are tools to help you choose colors that will work well together. Adobe Kuler (, ColourLovers ( and ColorBlender ( are tools that you can use to help choose attractive color combinations for your labels.

2. Graphics

An eye catching graphic will also help draw attention to your product. With stock photography and illustrations so inexpensive these days you can find a graphic for your labels at places like or for just a few dollars. You can then use these images on your product labels, just be sure to check the license agreement. In the case of iStockphoto you can use most images for up to 500,000 product labels without buying an extended license. A picture really can be worth 1,000 words on a product label as a compelling graphic draws the eye to your product.

3. Readability

Color and graphics will help catch the eye but unless your label is easily readable at a glance then you will lose people. They say you have only 2-3 seconds to attract the attention of a shopper browsing the aisles of a grocery store which is enough time to read just a handful of words. You should have your brand or company name as well as two or three words describing the product in large enough type that it can be read from six feet away.

4. Fonts

Speaking of type, your choice of fonts is a critical decision and deserves just as much attention as choosing color and graphics. Don't choose one of the standard Windows fonts such as Times New Roman or Arial, and also avoid overused fonts such as Papyrus or Monotype Corsiva. Don't be afraid to try something new and different - there are thousands of unique fonts available online - just go to or The important point to remember is that you want good looking type that is easy to read.

5. Material

Before you even begin the design process you need to consider the label material. Your design needs to "fit" the material. Common material choices include white, clear, or a cream textured paper. Clear material allows for a "no label look" that can be very striking if you have a colored container or product. Take a look at Palmolive original dish soap - this is a product that uses a clear label very well. A simple design with white ink, it really shows off the striking green liquid inside. White material gives you the most flexibility with design, because you can make white into any color you like, or you can just use the white background. For an old world look, a textured cream paper can be very effective and is popular with wineries where you want to convey a handcrafted image.

6. Label Finish

Whether you choose a glossy or matte finish to your labels is a judgment call depending on the kind of image you want to convey. A matte laminate can provide a more classic look that is very easy to read, whereas gloss will add some impact to the colors on the label and provide a shiny, reflective look. A good example of the matte look is the Honest Tea brand of bottled teas. In the highly competitive beverage market they have a more subdued look with a simple label that works really well with the matte finish. If you can't decided between matte and glossy then do a small order of both and test it - see what people find most attractive.

7. Label Size

If you are using a round container then you most likely have a choice - do you want one large label or separate front and back labels? Front and back labels allow you to elegantly separate the front branding information from the ingredient and regulatory information but they can be more expensive than a large wrap around label. If you go with a wraparound label then it is important to keep a front "panel" with the vital branding information because that is what the consumers will see as they are browsing the aisles.

8. Shapes

You can really draw attention to your label by using an unusual shape. This will require the initial investment of a new die which can cost several hundred dollars depending on the size and complexity of your design. Heinz ketchup is one example of an unusual shape done well - the keystone label shape has become part of their brand after more than 130 years. Here is one trick that can save you the money of buying a special die. Use a clear label and simulate an unusual shape by using white ink to create your desired shape, so it will appear that your label has a unique shape even if it is a simple rectangle label.

9. A Theme for Different Flavors

With multiple flavors of the same product it is important to keep major design elements of your label consistent. Whether someone is looking at the peach, orange or lime flavor they should be able to recognize instantly that it is all the same company and brand. A company that does an excellent job of keeping a consistent yet different look between flavors is Nantucket Nectars. Each flavor has a simple illustration encompassing the flavor with a similar scene from Nantucket Island in the background.

10. Contact Information

In the 21st century every company should have contact information on their product labels. This is obviously not about making your label design more appealing, but rather having your label be more than just a passive selling and marketing tool. An 800 number, a web site and a physical address can all be easily included on the label. You could provide a special web site on your label for customers to sign up for an email list, so you can gather information and start to interact with your good customers.

When designing your label it is important to take into account what your competition is doing. If most companies in your space have very colorful and glossy labels, then maybe a more plain and subdued look will allow you to stand out on the supermarket shelf. Take many of the elements mentioned here and differentiate yourself from the competition. Providing a new and interesting look invites customers to pick up your product.

As we said in the beginning of this article there are no hard and fast rules for good label design, but if you stroll the grocery store aisles and look at the labels of products that have been successful you will see that they have many elements in common. Of course, most of these successful products have labels that were created by professional graphic designers, so if you can afford one I firmly believe that is money well spent. But if you don't have the budget or prefer to do it yourself then consider these ten elements when creating your product label.

Ten Elements of Good Product Label Design
Table Shelves

Christmas Sales Coaster Cappuccino Briarcliff Casual Sofa Table with 2 Shelves 201

Jan 04, 2012 05:23:27

Christmas Coaster Cappuccino Briarcliff Casual Sofa Table with 2 Shelves Deals
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Coaster Cappuccino Briarcliff Casual Sofa Table with 2 Shelves

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Coaster Cappuccino Briarcliff Casual Sofa Table with 2 Shelves <<

Christmas Sales Coaster Cappuccino Briarcliff Casual Sofa Table with 2 Shelves Feature

  • Hardwood Entertainment Table
  • Unique Cross Bar Design
  • Shelf would be great for Flat Screen TV
  • 42" Long x 17 1/4" wide x 30" tall

Christmas Sales Coaster Cappuccino Briarcliff Casual Sofa Table with 2 Shelves Overview

This lovely sofa table will be a nice addition to your casual contemporary living room ensemble. The sleek rectangular table features straight clean lines, with a generously sized top that is ideal for placing decorative items to spice up your room. A fresh "X" motif on the sides gives this table a cool update, while two spacious lower shelves offer additional space for books and favorite decorative items. Available in warm medium Brown and deep Cappuccino, this beautiful sofa table will fit right in with your living room decor. The Briarcliff collection offers a complete style update for your casual contemporary living room. This group includes a convenient three piece occasional table set, including a coffee table and two end tables, and a sofa table to complete the ensemble. Clean lines, straight square legs, and a fresh "X" motif on each table's sides create a simple but stylish look that will blend easily with your decor. Available in a warm medium Brown finish and deep Cappuccino finish, these tables are sure to complement your decor. Features: Cappuccino Finish Wood construction Wood top 2 Storage shelves Specifications: 42"W x 17.25"D x 30"H

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This Christmas Coaster Cappuccino Briarcliff Casual Sofa Table with 2 Shelves is cheap and shipping as well.

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Coaster Cappuccino Briarcliff Casual Sofa Table with 2 Shelves

Limited Offer Today!! Coaster Cappuccino Briarcliff Casual Sofa Table with 2 Shelves Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Screen Cleaner Wipes Large Storage Chest

Great Space - Saving Ideas for the Small Bedroom

In an urban home where space is at a premium, storage space is a premium so here are some space-saving ideas for the small bedroom .

Table Shelves

The bed, being the key piece of furniture is more effective as a high-level bed with plenty of boxes, drawers or cupboards underneath. The cupboards do not have to have doors, which need space to swing open. Instead, think cubby holes for storing books, clothes and shoes.

Table Shelves

If you're living in a studio flat, you can still make use of the minimal space. For example, 'store' the sleeping area on top of a tiny kitchen and bathroom, leaving the main room as a living area. In any arrangement where the bedroom is raised up, or in a gallery, have open-tread, ladder-type access to the upper level, rather than a solid staircase which will create visual barrier.

The bed which folds up against the wall is another space-saving alternative. Build storage shelves on the wall above the folded-up bed and hang a blind or curtain which, when extended, will hide the entire wall.

Bunk beds which fold away are useful in a child's room. But you lose the advantage of the copious storage space which can be built in underneath a high-level bed that is a permanent structure.

Clothes storage becomes a greater issue in a confined space. Part of the solution is to be disciplined and ruthless about how many pieces you should have. Seasonal storage, where you store away winter clothes in summer and summer for winter, will help the situation if you have an attic or other place to stash away a couple of old suitcases.

If you're a naturally tidy person, consider banishing your wardrobe door which opens out. This is because it shrinks the room visually. Alternatively, remove doors which swing open conventionally and use sliding panels, folding doors or a curtain that hangs flat when closed. Maximum use of up-storage is vital and custom furniture built into the available space, is more efficient than free-standing. If your wardrobe finishes short of the ceiling consider extending it upwards to create less-used storage spaces.

Great Space - Saving Ideas for the Small Bedroom
Table Shelves

Simmons Rifle Scopes Solar Battery Tester

SEI Bunching Metal Sofa Table

Christmas Sales SEI Bunching Metal Sofa Table 201

Jan 02, 2012 09:21:07

Christmas SEI Bunching Metal Sofa Table Deals
Click for larger image and other views

SEI Bunching Metal Sofa Table

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for SEI Bunching Metal Sofa Table <<

Christmas Sales SEI Bunching Metal Sofa Table Feature

  • Black metal contemporary styling at it's finest! The 'Bunching' Collection offers glass tops and a second glass shelf for books or decor.
  • This Sofa Table can stand near your sofa or anywhere where you want to display your home decor items!
  • Measures 42-inch wide, 14-inches deep and 30-inches high.
  • Also available in a matching Cocktail Table and an End Table.

Christmas Sales SEI Bunching Metal Sofa Table Overview

A sleek table collection with a contemporary design, these tables will take your living room to a new level of style. If you are looking for something a little untraditional try substituting the traditional coffee table for a "bunching cocktail" made of two smaller tables. These tables with glass surfaces and shelves framed in black metal give you an amazing look that will match with a wide variety of sofas and chairs.

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Available In Stock.

This Christmas SEI Bunching Metal Sofa Table is cheap and shipping as well.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

SEI Bunching Metal Sofa Table

Limited Offer Today!! SEI Bunching Metal Sofa Table Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Duvet Cal King Glass Shelf Hardware

Creative Fireplace Mantel - Arranging and Wall Decorating Tips

Do you ever wish you didn't have a fireplace in your home, simply because it's such a decorating mystery? A new mantel shelf could change your mind. It may not be the mantelpiece, but how to dress it up with inspiring wall decorating and accessories that is so confounding. The following tips will help you arrive at that perfect arrangement around your fireplace..

Table Shelves

Furniture Arrangement

Table Shelves

Furniture should acknowledge the presence of the fireplace, and never bar access to it. An easy furniture arrangement is a U shape, with the fireplace at the top of the U. Though the fireplace is the focal point, you don't have to point every piece of furniture toward it. For instance, you can place wing back chairs on either side of a fireplace, facing into the room at a diagonal. Place an occasional table in between for cozy fireside reading and board games. Position a small couch and loveseat opposite each other and perpendicular to the fireplace. In a small room, place a flat screen television over the fireplace mantel.

Wall Decor

A peek inside an interior decorating book at wall décor around fireplaces will affirm the many ways pictures or art can be displayed on a wall. But not every arrangement and wall decorating idea is pleasing to the eye. For those of us who are not designers, here are a few suggestions:

The simplest solution is a single, large framed work of art, a print, or photo. Center it slightly toward the mantel. Position equally sized framed pictures close together to form a larger shape. Hang a decorative wall mirror in a frame that complements the motif. Install decorative wall sconces on either side of the mantel to set off framed art. Line the fireplace mantel shelf with framed black and white photos of different sizes, with the unifying factor of a single color frame.
Fireplace Mantel

Before you bedeck your fireplace mantel, consider what you want to show off, and the impression you want to give. Since the fireplace is your focal point, what do you want visitors to see? What do you want to enjoy looking at day after day?

Your fireplace mantel should also reflect the general feel of the room. Is it:

Formal? Consider candlesticks, vases, a mantel clock, and brass wall sconces. Lived-in-casual? Use natural, eclectic elements like fresh flowers, a silk topiary, or drift wood. Incorporate glass in a less formal vein with lanterns, a clock under a glass dome, or a collection of antique bottles. Wrought iron wall sconces add a valuable grounding color for neutral palettes and highlight any wall decorating display above the mantel. Victorian? The Victorians were fond of their collections. Feel free to busy up your mantel with a doily runner, figurines, decorative plates, and perhaps a vase with peacock feathers. Minimalist? Place a single sculpture, either centered on the mantel or on a side of the mantel that faces a corner while the other is open. Cottage-by-the-beach? Arrange a collection of similar colored but varying sized shells across the mantel. Or select items you treasure, like a jar of sea glass or a cast iron anchor.

Follow the 3 plus 1 rule for easy mantel displays: Place 3 similar items close to one end, and one larger item on the other (as large as the collective 3, but no taller than the center of the picture or mirror over the mantel). Another easy arrangement is to place one item in the center of the mantel, and flank it with pairs of items on either side. One of the pairs can be similar, but not identical.

Don't feel bound by rules when arranging your fireplace mantel. Experiment with some wall decorating ideas and arrangements and layer items so they overlap. The analytical mind will prefer symmetry, and the creative eye will prefer asymmetry. Both types need some sort of balance, so play with the items until you are satisfied. If you are ever in doubt, it is better to err on the side of simplicity. Begin with an interesting mantel wall art piece, and build around it.

A fireplace is an enviable architectural detail in any home. Properly adorned with a suitable mantelpiece, wall décor, and other accouterments around it, your fireplace will become a magnificent focal point and a favorite gathering spot in your home for family and friends.

Creative Fireplace Mantel - Arranging and Wall Decorating Tips
Table Shelves

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Coaster Phone Stand / Side Table, Oak Wood Finish

Christmas Sales Coaster Phone Stand / Side Table, Oak Wood Finish 201

Dec 31, 2011 13:07:06

Christmas Coaster Phone Stand / Side Table, Oak Wood Finish Deals
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Coaster Phone Stand / Side Table, Oak Wood Finish

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Christmas Sales Coaster Phone Stand / Side Table, Oak Wood Finish Feature

  • Oak Finish
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  • Material: Wood

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Learn How to Make Laminate Countertop of your Own

If you poll a thousand women about what they would love most in their kitchen your average woman would say more counter space without any hesitation or blinking an eye. Counter space is prime real estate in your average kitchen as this is the area that most small appliances are stored as well as most of the work that is done in the kitchen for food prep and other important kitchen and family tasks is performed. I have yet to meet a woman who has looked at a kitchen and complained of too much countertop space. For this reason, learning to make laminate countertop is a great idea for a weekend project.

Table Shelves

The good news when it comes time to make laminate countertop is that it is quite easy to purchase the materials you will need in order to make it. You can find sheets of laminate fairly easily. In addition to this good news is the fact that these sheets come in a huge array of colors, patterns, and designs.

Table Shelves

You can find different types of surfaces from smooth to textured; you can find patterns that closely resemble metal, granite, marble, or even wood for your countertops. If you needed even more good news to consider, the price of laminate sheets is very moderate when compared to other materials that are used to create kitchen countertops.

Important Steps to Make Laminate Countertop

Of course before you begin making any sort of countertop you must first consider what will support the counter. Most people use cabinetry of some sort for this purpose though there have been those who have used open space beneath their countertops. It all eventually comes down to a matter of taste but if you are using open space beneath your countertops you will want to be absolutely certain that you can support the weight when you make laminate countertop.

The first thing you will need to do is decide whether you are going to cover your existing countertop, you are going to create additional countertops, or you are going to do both. I vote for both if there is the slightest possibility of enough room to create additional countertop space and can think of very few women who would be opposed to that notion. You will need substrate material that fits over the base upon which you will build your countertop.

Once you have the substrate material cut in the manner you wish you will need to attach it to the base of the cabinet or table (whatever structure you are building on) with screws. You will then need to cut the laminate countertop material in order to bond it to the substrate.

It is a good idea to cut the laminate a little larger than you think you will need. This gives you the opportunity to trim the strips with a router for a straighter edge before adding the next piece of laminate. In order to bond the laminate to the substrate you will need glue for the bonding process followed by contact cement.

Closing Thoughts

If you wish to make laminate countertop for your kitchen or bath you may find that you have saved a good deal of money in the process of learning a valuable new skill. It is a learning process so be sure to allow yourself plenty of time to accomplish your goals and never be afraid to ask questions. Have fun throughout the process and hopefully you will have someone working with you in order to share the great fun a project like this can be while also providing a new look for your kitchen.

Learn How to Make Laminate Countertop of your Own
Table Shelves

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